This code can be helpful to get fields names of an Internal Table at Runtime.
The Code:
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report ztest_internal_tab_comp line-size 100. type-pools: abap.
types: begin of x_final, matnr type matnr, werks type werks_d, flag type c length 1, value type p length 10 decimals 2, end of x_final. data:
i_data type sorted table of x_final with unique key matnr,
tab_return type abap_compdescr_tab,
components like line of tab_return.
perform get_int_table_fields using i_data changing tab_return.
loop at tab_return into components. write: / components-name, components-type_kind, components-length,components-decimals. endloop.
form get_int_table_fields using t_data type any table changing t_return type abap_compdescr_tab. data: oref_table type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr, oref_struc type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, oref_error type ref to cx_root, text type string.
try. oref_table ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( t_data ). catch cx_root into oref_error. text = oref_error->get_text( ). write: / text. exit. endtry.
try. oref_struc ?= oref_table->get_table_line_type( ). catch cx_root into oref_error. text = oref_error->get_text( ). write: / text. exit. endtry. append lines of oref_struc->components to t_return. endform.
Now if we test it...

The code can also be used to get components of a structure.
Thank you so much for your clear explanation with coding really nice